Live Free It Is

LIVE FREE IT IS! Just a little Monday action for you, words of empowerment and uplifting. I'll get directly to the point, I got fat. Definitely chubbier and bulkier than I used to. About 8-10 years ago I was skinny... dark skinned, but skinny. It may not look it but I'm actually a girl who really likes working out. People often see me as weak and inactive just because I don't do sports. But that's not the case, sports doesn't automatically equal strong. If anything, I have an undefined love for dancing, I did yoga for a year, I used to go jogging early mornings, and I legit find the gym as my favorite personal time. So you get it, I'm not a slump. But at the same time, I love food so much too! I am sort of a foodie blogger after all. You cannot imagine how much coffee intake I have per week and how I cannot refrain from snacking every time I just feel like it.

For about 3 years ago I started gaining weight. I wasn't naive about it, I saw it happening especially when I couldn't fit in any of my old clothes or when I started having a big bulge in my bikinis. It wasn't great and I did lots of physical prevention because I don't support anorexia diet. In the end I still am chubby and insecure from time to time. I'm writing this because I know there are other women out there feeling the same. I want to let you know that things like "plus-size" or "overweight" shouldn't be taken negatively or even serious thought. It's stressful, how you can't control your body because you were just made that way.

Skinny, fit ladies will always be the goal, but just think that maybe they were made that way too. Maybe they'd look less attractive than you when their fat. I'm not saying that fat people rules or that you shouldn't strive to be fitter. I'm saying that you should just accept how your body is and stay healthier in your own way. I've already learned to accept and love my stretch marks and oversized arms, and baby I'm gonna flaunt it in any way I want! So live free, free from body and figure pressure, and stay awesome, always. Happy Monday!
I guess that's it for my short simple post. Nothing much to say so I'll see you next time!

x Top: 6ixty 8ight // Shorts: H&M // Heels: Velvet via Zalora HK // Bag: Forever21 x
Photo Credits to: Adrian Coronado (@dash_ad)