Just a random throwback for you today! This was taken around last August 2017 and it just seemed on par with today's weather situation. My style doesn't extravagantly change, just a few minor add and subtract, and usually goes on for years. I still love color-blocking with citrus tones whether it's summer or winter just like I did last year. I think the most change I've done on the blog in comparison to 2016 and 2017 is the way I edit my photos. Even on my Instagram, you'd notice that I found my current favorite filter which shows heavy teal tones and usually with the skin "slightly pinked". I can't believe it took me 2 (or even 3) years just to finally have a filter I could accept in all of my photos.
MAY THE 4TH BE WITH YOU! Hey darling readers, if you've been updated with the stuff I do then you'd probably think that this is the nerdiest I've been so far. And it definitely is. But you know what? I love it! Definitely one of my fave posts ever here at #KateeOTD so I hope you guys appreciate it too. I was a late bloomer with the whole Star Wars craze, in fact I used to hate it. But then again anything can happen, anything like a once Star Wars hater turning into a bonafide fan! Before watching The Force Awakens, Princess Leia was one of my favorites (R.I.P. Carrie Fisher). Aside from the bots: C3P0, R2D2, and BB-8, oh and also Chewie, I've been really inspired by Rey. I adore how strong and will-driven she is. Which is why I decided to do this little cosplay for this special day... watch me and BB-8 gear up in the short video I did below!
ONE OF THE BEST PLACES I'VE EVER BEEN TO! I've been seeing so much photos and vlogs about The Dessert Museum since they opened in February 10, 2018. I'm a sucker for both sweet treats and instagrammable places, so you could imagine my eagerness to make it there one day. And I did. We had a day to spare last April 25th when I went to the Philippines with my mom and sister; immediately, I asked them if they would be fine visiting this cute museum. I mean, who could resist? There were 8 sweet fun-filled rooms in total and 6 of them offered treats (payment for treats are already included in the entrance fee). They often have promotional offers and discounts; we didn't book in advance so we took the "walk-in" rate for PHP 699/person. It's actually quite cheap in my opinion.
Obviously I vlogged the whole thing so keep scrolling to watch and enjoy some more of our photos!