How's it going guys? If you haven't already realized, I've been MIA for a month! Like, totally, the whole April! Every social media platform I have except for Instagram. Well as you can see right now, I've done some major changes on the blog. I explained most of it in details last night on my Instagram stories, all the hard work and time I've put just to revamp my blog. But that's not the only thing I'm changing...
I've decided to do a few changes on the content of my blog. I'd still be doing fashion related posts but what I want to focus on is how to express myself. I have a section called #TOTD and to be honest, sometimes I enjoy writing that more than the other stuff I talk about here in #KateeOTD. I've been so insecure that maybe I won't succeed in being a blogger if I did more random blog posts that's why I tried focusing only on looks and travels. Does it make me 100% happy about my site? Nope.
I've always been that kind of person who feels better when I share my thoughts and express myself. I've been so inspired by so many YouTubers and other socialites that I, too, want to inspire people and make them feel that it's okay to be who you are. From now on, you'll be seeing lots of personalized posts, it could be like my favorites, how I get through situations, or even what I'd want to change from something current in my life. I want to make #KateeOTD me once more, and I hope you support me for that! I guess that's my cue for today, I'll be posting once a week as usual so till next time... Happy 1st of the month! (My fellow MAY BABIES, can I get a shout out?!)
x Top: ASOS x