Angthong National Marine Park, Koh Samui | Day 2

Will always and forever be an island girl... even if I live in a city, my heart always stays with the ocean. And this time I left my heart at beautiful Koh Samui. On the way to Koh Samui, we were approached by a woman who was working with a travel agency (I presume). To be honest, all we did was book a hotel and decided to stay in Samui for about 4 days without any plan at all, luckily this woman approached us and offered some tours that ended up to be the best thing we did! Our 1st tour was a trip to Angthong National Marine Park and other neighboring islands around Samui.

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We were on a big boat with about 50 or more people, mostly tourists like us! They picked us up from our hotel at 07:30 a.m. and provided us with light breakfast while on the way to the other islands. We were separated into groups with divided itineraries to avoid crowding; we were in the 'green' group. Our 1st activity was to hike up Mae Koh Island until we reached the Thale Nai secret lagoon. The steps were steep and it was really hot around this time so I was struggling! Once we got back down to the beach we went kayaking. We had to follow the group leader as he led us around and underneath caves and in between narrow paths. 

One of the tour guides saw how we had difficulties passing through the 1st cave so he tied our kayak to his and led us half way! Embarrassing but helpful! When we reached our destination we went for a little swim until we were picked up again by our tour boat. After a quick lunch in the boat we went to Angthong National Marine Park. We saw monkeys and had drinks by the beach. There was another hike trail but I didn't wanna go so we just stayed by the beach and went snorkeling. The water was murky and I freaked out while snorkeling in fear of seeing a sea snake... so I stopped and decided to lounge around the shore. What a bummer! 

It doesn't seem like we did much but we were really tired. On the way back to our hotel it started to pour down heavy rain; not the best weather for a hotel that's on top of a hill and in the jungle. There were still glimpses of lightning and drizzle during the night so we just had dinner at our hotel's restaurant and called it a night. We had another early tour the next day so stay tuned for that!

Read more on a day-by-day post and show some love! See you soon!:

Date: October 11 - 16, 2017
Venue: Koh Samui and Bangkok, Thailand