Satin and Blushes

Take note: I just had a really great lunch that consisted of burgers and fries right before taking these photos; reason why I felt and looked bloated. Haha! If you want to have big burgers with great meal deals, check out JW Marriott's Burger Lunch promotion. Wrote about it here: Burgers for Lunch - JW Marriott. Moving on from food, how's it going guys? Haven't really got around to blogging much due to the aftermath of both typhoon Hato and Pakhar. Never have I ever seen Macau, my home, go through so much devastation. It's been really dark lately; with fallen giant trees, knocked over walls and shattered glass everywhere. But Macau has been getting up, and now it's looking better... not as much as how we used to, but still better.

Gosh! I've totally went off topic! Sorry, was just expressing my feelings with the events that's been happening. Anyway, these pants were yet again another hand-me-down from my sister. It was kinda long that I had to find the right shoes if I didn't want it sweeping every street I pass by. It's also very pink, satin, and flamboyant... which I love! My top was also new at the time so I though of wearing them together. It looked like a great and breezy combination, considering that it was burning degrees the day we took these photos. 

Not really sure until when would summer last. It's been a few glimps of sun and rain that makes it hard to tell! Well I don't really what else is there for me this time around, not even sure what to say anymore. I guess I'll talk to you next time! For now, ciao!

x Top, Accessories and Shoes: H&M // Pants: Zalora // Sunnies: Call It Spring x
Photo Credits to: Adrian Coronado (@dash_ad)