Red & White, What's the difference? (#TOTD)

Probably everyone knows about Valentines Day (VD). It's that one time of the year when everyone wants to express their love for one another without feeling shy or embarrassed; it doesn't necessarily have to be in a romantic way, friends and family are also considered as people you love.

Usually, we'll see chocolates, flowers, cupids and red hearts during the season, but, have you any idea about the 2nd event called the White Valentines (WV)? Yepp, there are two existing "love-days" being celebrated in the world and you may have not even heard about it!

What is White Valentines?

Brief description about WV: the event originated from Japan and almost has the same purpose as our typical VD. In the beginning it was called "white" for its typical gift exchange - Marshmallows! However, the norm changed and people started to like chocolate and cookies more, but the name remains. The main point of the occasion is to act as an answer from what happened a month ago (during VD). Just remember that the Japanese Valentines is mostly about the males.

What's the difference?

Here are the basic differences between both Valentines:

The main difference is regarding who would give the gift. For the usual VD, typically Japanese women/girls are going to give men any of the 2 types of sweets: "giri" or "honmei". Be very careful with separating these sweets since it may send mixed signals to the one you're giving it to. The table below shows which choco should be given to whom:

A month after giving out the chocolates, it's when White Valentine comes to play! It's the men's turn to respond on the choco they received. Usually, if a man receives a "giri choco", they should give a small choco box or anything simple in return. As for those who received "honmei choco", if they want to push the relationship forward, then it's a start of a new relationship!

Oh! And ladies, if you happen to receive "marshmallows" in return, then they're just not that into you. *finding out the hard way?*

Japan has definitely done it again! What's more is that they might have made dating somewhat easier! It's up to you to enjoy the gist of it :)
Posted by Katee Of The Day on Tuesday, March 15, 2016


What is White Day in Japan?

x Flower Crown: F21 x 
Photo Credits: Adrian Coronado (@dash_ad)