Hey peeps! Another month has finally passed and I'm already kinda getting used to 2017. Has it been a great year so far? I'd say more or less. I wanna know how you've been doing too so leave a comment or message me in any of my social media links if you want to connect! I'd be happy to do so!
Moving on; I just wanna thank you guys for showing so much love on our new dance cover (Shape Of You - DANCE COVER). I've shared it everywhere: Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and WeChat, and I've been smiling ever since because of all the positive feedback we're receiving! I looooove dancing, ever since I was young, it's always been a passion of mine. We would be doing a lot more soon so stay tuned for those.
Now, where were we? Oh right! I totally took a different route and absolutely forgot to talk about my look *face palm*. The day we took these photos is actually one of my favorite dates with Adrian. I was working tired for 6 days straight and finally had one day off on a Monday. I woke up rested and surprisingly no arguments or even small disagreements happened (a Monday miracle?). We blogged 2 looks, had a fancy brunch and rode the Sky Cab at Wynn Palace.
The weather was great, I felt stress-free, and I had one of those good make-up days! Did it ever happen again? Uhhh.... no, not since then. But I do hope it would! I've been wearing my Adidas Tubular a lot but this was the 1st outfit I blogged with them. Also, I've been posting a lot of spoofs on Instagram and I keep getting good comments for my pink cap. I don't really wear hats but I love this one! You know how cray cray I get with nudes, pink and rose gold.
Oh well, I guess that's all I have for you today. I've been active again on Macau Lifestyle (former Live Love Macau) so I'll let you know when I have new articles published on the site. Show them some love too!
Now, where were we? Oh right! I totally took a different route and absolutely forgot to talk about my look *face palm*. The day we took these photos is actually one of my favorite dates with Adrian. I was working tired for 6 days straight and finally had one day off on a Monday. I woke up rested and surprisingly no arguments or even small disagreements happened (a Monday miracle?). We blogged 2 looks, had a fancy brunch and rode the Sky Cab at Wynn Palace.
The weather was great, I felt stress-free, and I had one of those good make-up days! Did it ever happen again? Uhhh.... no, not since then. But I do hope it would! I've been wearing my Adidas Tubular a lot but this was the 1st outfit I blogged with them. Also, I've been posting a lot of spoofs on Instagram and I keep getting good comments for my pink cap. I don't really wear hats but I love this one! You know how cray cray I get with nudes, pink and rose gold.
Oh well, I guess that's all I have for you today. I've been active again on Macau Lifestyle (former Live Love Macau) so I'll let you know when I have new articles published on the site. Show them some love too!
x Cap: H&M // Jacket: Tom Taylor // Shoes: Adidas Tubular // Skirt: Zara // Sweater: Forever 21 x