I'm feelin' mahself! Hah! Couldn't choose which photos to upload so I chose all the good ones! Macau has been dull and grey since winter and it's getting pretty annoying. I want sunshine and clear skies, not fog nor rain. Oh, a girl could only wish! I guess that's what inspired my color scheme for this look.
The jacket I'm wearing is vintage. Nope! Didn't buy it from a vintage shop; in fact, it's actual vintage because it's been with my dad for a long time. I don't know what made him buy a Tazmanian Devil denim jacket but me and my sisters have been fighting for it ever since. You gotta admit! It looks pretty dope, considering it being over-sized!
Oh well! May is near, let's hope it gets brighter so that I could actually feel summer. Also it's my birth month ;) don't want it being dull now. Slight change of topic: Check out my new post at Live & Love Macau's website. Wrote about the Top 5 Skin Care Shops in Macau. Perfect for skin care junkies! Till next time! Bye!
x Slit Dress: F21 // Taz Denim Jacket: Levis x Warner Bros. // Boots: Bershka // Necklace: Stradivarius // Sunnies: Local Shop (Shanghai) x
Photo Credits to: Adrian Coronado (@dash_ad)