Today is the Day (GRAD 2/2)

Okay, maybe I meant yesterday was the day since it took me hours just to prepare all the pictures after a whole day of no rest. 

But yeah, it was great to see your old class/school mates and professors all in one day specially after 4 months of not being in school. I didn't get a chance to take pictures with everyone because it was really busy and everyone was having their own time. However, I'm glad that I got to take lots of photos with people who really mattered to me even after those 4 years of university.
Just one of our thousand pictures with this crazy girl! Was great to see you Cheryl!
Oh yeah, I graduated with some of my lovely workmates too!
5 Legends just isn't the same (nor complete) without you Carmela and Laffer! Still the best team I've ever done projects and reports with.... Love you all!
And of course, sisters who stay together, graduates together. I'd never let the spark die with these two.
Oh yeah! Graduated with my crazy couzy-yo too! The poses just meant that we were having serious Griffindor & Ravenclaw moments :)
Lastly, I couldn't have done it without my biggest supporter ever! Thank you for everything!
If you wanna see more photos, I've included a photo album just at the end of this post. I don't wanna bore you anymore with graduation details, all you have to know is that it feels great to finally reach a milestone you've been working your ass off to succeed! See yah next week!
Photo Credits to: Adrian Coronado (@dash_ad)
Venue: Tap Seac Square/ Pavilhao Desportivo
Date: Oct. 07, 2016



  1. This is a very long-awaited day, because how much effort and efforts were made to get a diploma and become a real specialist in your industry.
