Farewell May

It has truly been a great month! The weather got better, my school year ended, my birthday was celebrated at least 3 times, had lots of moments and outings with friends, and we are finally able to submerge in pools and beaches! I just really love summer and May 2016 will truly be memorable.
This was my birthday celebration with the fam last May 15th. We had the traditional lunch after mass at La Gondola Restaurant by the beach and went swimming afterwards in Cheoc Van pool. The weather that day was A-MA-ZING! It was sunny but the wind was cool giving it the perfect #summervibe. Forgive the crazy photoshoot session with my sister, we had no idea what pose to do and my silly boyfriend/photographer said "Hail Hydra" and "Suuuuuper" (Marvel and One Piece references).

I'm so ready for June! Just one more week of waiting and I'm off to official vacay mode! Did you love May as much as I did? Any plans this summer? Let me know!

Photo Credits to: Adrian Coronado (@dash_ad)
Date: May 15, 2016
Venue: Cheoc Van Beach, Coloane, Macau