Hi! Welcome to le-blog de KateeOTD. A place that started to be about fashion, turned foodie along the way, shifted to a beauty-guru-esque theme, eventually turned wanderlust, and finally just embracing all of the above. What can I say? It's a lifestyle at this point :P . But going back to my re-introduction; Hi! I'm Kate. Most people who follow along my journey call me "Katee", I don't mind whichever you prefer.
I've lost touch with my love for blogging when the pandemic hit, and as someone who lives in Macau, it took 3 years of lockdown for us. Needless to say, all inspiration & motivation I've had since 2020 was somewhat forced, and resulted in my content being unauthentic at times, or just... boring... yeah. But I am back, baby! This time around I just want to post what "I want to post" and worry less with what gets me followers or views (I am guilty for being the latter for the longest time).
So much has happened during my absence here in the blog, that I need to jot them down in bullet points. Also, a few back stories for those who are new, so here you go:- I've been a blogger since 2016, launching this website as my outlet. The "OTD" from my title happened when #ootd was a thing. My original plan was to post everyday so "Of The Day" made sense... back then. Hahahahaha *laughs in embarrassment*
- My boyfriend of 12 years (this 2023) takes majority of my photos because he's a talented boiiii! He's also my partner with blogging/vlogging. A very behind-the-scenes dude, but trust me, KateeOTD won't be a thing without him.
- I love vlogging so follow me on YouTube. Just like this blog, I'm rekindling my love for taking videos & sharing them with the the viewers.
- During the pandemic, I've found other things I was passionate about. Things like having a podcast with my friends (more on that in the next bullet), playing as a forever cleric in Dungeons & Dragons, and starting small businesses (also keep reading for more details).
- Taurus Thing Pod had a good run for a year & a quarter. I miss podcasting, but it takes a lot of time & effort that our team had to take a temporary leave from it. Go listen to it still though! It's lotsa fun & stupidity :P
- In the end of 2021 I've started 2 small businesses. Sadly, I got "kicked out" in one of them (the one with my very own sisters), so now I'm refocusing my energy & motivation into building "Scribble Avenue". A journaling business I co-founded with one of my dearest friends.
- Since 2020, Adrian & I decided to live together and it's still the best decision I've ever made. We also have cats now! Meet them more here: @zekexzoey
- Mid 2022, I finally resigned from being a finance officer of 5 years, and got to pursue my passion as a Graphic Designer/Content Creator at Big Pie Coworking. Can't wait to rebuild my portfolio!
Much love!
~Katee Of The Day
Photo Credits: Adrian C. (@dash_ad)